Abigale King’s Updates

Update 5: AI and Peer Review

This is my 5th time participating in Peer reviewing and 3rd time incorperating AI reviews. As with most things, my opinions have shifted overtime.

I have always put more weight in the peer review process especially with learning modules because I am writing a learning module for a human to take. The feedback from my peers has always been more important to me since they can tell me exactly what they have learned. I generally score lower on my peer reviews than the AI review but the feedback has always been specific and helpful.

I have always been more skeptical and critical of my AI reviews. I really hated them at first even though I generally score higher on them. I find the feed back to be general and sometimes confusing. However, the confusing feed back I tend to receive stems from my own lack of clarity in teaching practices. Because of this, I have grown in my abilities to clarify and simplify my teaching strategies. 

Since doing this, I have noticed my peer review scores have gone up and my peer reviewers stared to comment on my clarity improving and my AI scores have gone down.