Reimagine Education’s Updates

  • Welcome to Scholar

    Welcome to the Project Page for our Reimage Education conference submission. This is to support the project Facilitating Learning through the Scholar Social Knowledge Platform

    Our Project Page is set up as a Scholar Community space, exactly th...More

  • Logging into Scholar

    Scholar has a number of different types of accounts, each with different roles and responsibilities

    Comment: If you have a question about Scholar,ask it in the comments box below this update. Another community member is likely to know the answe...More

  • Participating in Community

    Community is a social media space within Scholarwith some important differences - in fact, we call this a 'social knowledge' technology because it is designed for knowledge interactions, rather than connections between 'friends' or participation by...More

  • Starting a Work in Creator

    In the Introduction to Creator, you can find out how to create "Works". A work can also be part of a "Project"

    To see how to get started with a work in Scholar, watch Starting a Work. You will write your work within the Creator Workspace(more o...More

  • Working in Scholar's Creator Space

    The Scholar development team has created a unique technology for writing to the web, which is technically called a "semantic editor" (You can read a very long and technical version of this story by the designers of Scholar in Towards a Semantic Web)...More

  • Giving Feedback in Creator

    One of the most powerful features of Scholar is that more than one person can give and receive feedback at the same time, or any time. There's no having to pass files backwards and forwards so one person can comment on the work one at a time. And...More

  • Revising in Creator

    When feedback is ready, you will receive a notification - click on the notification link and you will be taken directly to the correct work

    The next phase of a project is revision. Study the feedback that you have received carefully. Depending...More

  • Writing a Self-Review

    A self-review during the revision phase is a reflection on the feedback you have received, and the ways you have changed your work ready for submission of a new, revised version (Creator => Feedback => Reviews => Review Work). Here are se...More

  • Getting Published in Scholar

    The last phase of a project in Scholaris publication, or a decision by the publishing admin not to publish your work at this time. As soon as your work is published, you will receive a notification. Your published work may appear in any or all of y...More