Reimagine Education’s Updates

Logging into Scholar

Scholar has a number of different types of accounts, each with different roles and responsibilities.

  • Regular accounts are for people who are over 18 years of age. Access to Community and Creator is free. Just login at and create your account.
  • Student accounts are required for people under 18 years of age, and are also available for students who are over 18. These accounts must be in organizations (such as schools, colleges or universities), where they are strictly walled off from other Scholar users. Students will be provided usernames and passwords by their teachers or admins.
  • Publisher accounts are available on request, allowing full access to the Publisher app in order to manage publishing projects, including drafting, peer feedback, revision and publication.

Comment: If you have a question about Scholar, ask it in the comments box below this update. Another community member is likely to know the answer!