Interdisciplinary Social Sciences’s Updates

Meet the Author: A Conversation Series - April Henning and Jesper Andreasson, the authors of "Hegemony and Sport" this Friday, 27 January 2023 (10:00 AM CST USA).

Common Ground Research Networks is happy to announce “Meet the Author: A Conversation Series.”

Our next conversation will be with April Henning and Jesper Andreasson, authors of "Hegemony and Sport: Power Through Culture in Theory and Practice" this Friday, 27 January 2023 (10:00AM CST USA).

This book focuses on how hegemony works, particularly in sport, to understand how power, dominance, and resistance work in different ways within a variety of sport contexts.

Link to the meeting:

Meeting ID: 820 8592 9536

Password: 179869

Please, sign up using the link below:

You can get the book here. If you are an active Research Network member, you can access digital copies of the book via your CGScholar account!