EDUC 499: Greece - Summer 2019’s Updates

5. Refugee Crisis and Education

I found the videos very interesting to watch. Regarding the definition of citizenship, I think there is room to expand this definition regarding the situation. I never really thought about the strict definition. A citizen is someone who is a subject of a state. But, when talking about refugees I think these people need to be defined in a new setting because they have risked their lives to find a new home to safety. Without this new definition, refugees are still seen as lower in society which creates issues between individuals. Comparing this situation to the US, often times refugees are labeled as just that and not even thought of being citizens. This label negatively impacts their place in society.

Although historically Greece has had strict immigration policies, they welcome refugees and help accommodate their needs. Despite their current economic situation, they provide aid to the refugees which is not something most countries would do - especially comparing this to the US when we have the financial stability. In terms of education, Greece also has taken steps into bringing refugees into schools and helping them become adjusted so these children can receive an education. This priority of theirs shows how they view education and how everyone has a right to education.