EDUC 499: Greece - Summer 2019’s Updates

Financial Crisis & the Education System

The financial crisis in Greece has had a huge impact on its education system, as we can see by the resources for this week. The financial crisis in Greece led to a big social change as the economic changes had a domino affect to other social institutions, including schools. Not only were the school systems themselves affected by cuts to facilities and programs, teacher layoffs, and lack of resources like books, but the general environment of school was also affected (Vergeti & Giouroglou). The economic crisis affected the work environment school faculty and also affected the learning environment as the economic changes greatly affected the possible outcomes for young kids, preparing them for a “domestic labor market that has no jobs for them” (Euronews). Additionally to that, as Euronews mentioned, though Greek schools made efforts to broaden their curricula, there was not much effectively done to expand its multicultural education which would better address its growing demographic changes and better support immigrant and refugee students.