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Adaptive Learning

The concept is defined as a PC- or online-based learning program that customizes itself in order to adapt to an individual's needs. The software gathers data on each student, and figures out the appropriate responsive actrion depending on how they are managing the objective of a given task. The LMS, learning management systems, that go hand in hand with this type of software, equip teachers with comprehensive feedback based on analyzed data, and offer the fulfillment of administrative and user management functions. 


 What is truly revolutionary about these practices is that they are the ones that truly changed the way that our students learn. If you think about it, E-books are simply a more eco- and user-friendly substitution of a paper book; ChromeBooks and IPads and the likes of them are an updated version of typewriters or pen and a copybook. Adaptive software is truly a game changer. It provides students with an opportunity to progress at their own pace, which is a pinnacle of mastery-based learning. Mastery-based learning and high expectation prove to be a paramount factor in students' development. 


It sounds like a dream come true and a panacea for all our problems, but the reality is that this technology, albeit having the potential to transform the educational system in every corner of the world, still has a way to go. The algorithms are not perfect, and it takes a while to harness a newly developed technology into the field of education. However, in the last few years, a few platforms and companies, e.g. Knewton, are pushing the field forward, and some schools like Summit are developing their own online platforms. 


In my opinion, the future of education does lie in adaptive and personalized learning. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the publishers and companies and following them, as they bring the future closer to us. 

Take a look at the latest news from EdSurge:


  • Samran Wiriyaphong