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Assignment #3 - Multimodal knowledge representations in the context of Kirkpatrick's four level' model for training course evaluation

Juxtapose means to place or deal with close together for contrasting effect (Oxford) and is a difficult concept to grasp if not explained with some practical examples. A humorous interpretation can be found on Wikipedia led by the example if the three sister’s mountain formation in Australia.

Three sisters with three sisters. Picture Source: Wiki

As we learned in the previous video segments, learning in multimodal knowledge representations of text, video, pictures provide these contrasting effects and therefore reinforces knowledge as the student is permanently challenged to switch modes and finds different options to consume. Eventually the play between mixed modes of media alone has limitations in terms of providing true innovation advancements in learning and development methods as availability of pixelated information is omnipresent with the emerge of the personal computers and the internet. Information overload might even be considered a challenge as social networks and the amount of user generated content do put appropriateness of the term knowledge artefact into question for user generated content as not all of this content provides necessary novel insights or a well curated knowledge representation. As a field of further exploration the combination of multimodal knowledge representation paired with learning and teaching methodology and is in need of further definition. Objective would be to explore how multimodal knowledge representations can be put into motion and effectively measured, which introduces methods around applying multiple modes of learning and testing knowledge. The Kirkpatrick Model is a well know model for analyzing and evaluating the results of training and learning activities, it shows that there is process of knowledge absorption as a possible link between how different forms of new media can work together. Further I will give some practical examples of how this could be achieved with the Kirkpatrick model.

The Kirkpatrick four level' model for training course evaluation, emerges as one model that shows methods that can be applied around of how multimodal knowledge representations can be used yet brought into a sequence (Kirkpatrick). Aim is to optimize the learning effect by:

  • stimulating reaction, which can be understood as customer/ students satisfaction surveys, potentially a simple “smily scale” or “thumps up rating” next to text, video, pictures elements provided.
  • learning as the degree to which the students acquires knowledge, is motivated and confident based on the lecture/ training received e.g. after completing a segment like a video giving a detailed explanation. This can be by verified by asking the student if he feels confident to apply what he has learned after completing video.
  • change in behavior in applying in real live situations what was learned. Learning management systems provide video coaching challenges, where students simulate real life situations of e.g. giving a short demonstration in their own words of what they learned after completing a learning milestone by demonstrating how they would apply this from a personal perspective.
  • and eventually leading to results that can be measured. Here data driven insights allow a post- mortem of checking if a sales representative achieved their quarterly target after attending relevant enablement activities. Aggregating technical system data of course completion certificates next to sales performance data out of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or other enterprise data systems can provide technical supported and automated solutions to fulfill the fourth results level to follow the Kickpatrick model for training course evaluation.
Kirkpatrick four level' model for training course evaluation. Source: (Edutech)

Only consequent application of both technology aided multimodal knowledge representations and a Kirkpatrick like process hold the potential to optimize the yield form professional learning a development activities. All to often learning and development initiatives fall short in results as they are build as a one sided investment into technology, with too little thought given to the importance of having a solid process and method as part of the greater framework to measure satisfaction, value and outcomes.



Oxford https://www.google.com/search?q=juxtapose&rlz=1C1GCEU_enCH820CH821&oq=juxtapose&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.475j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juxtaposition#/media/File:Three_sisters_with_three_sisters.jpg

Kirkpatrick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Kirkpatrick

EduTech https://educationaltechnology.net/kirkpatrick-model-four-levels-learning-evaluation/

CRM https://searchcustomerexperience.techtarget.com/definition/CRM-customer-relationship-management