Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Rural vs Urban Education: a personal commentary

After watching the provided videos in this course, and reflecting on my own experiences as an educator, it made me realize how each student brings a unique background to the classroom setting. In 2021, I moved from New York City to Vermont where I now teach in a rural educational setting. Watching the video by Dr. Mary Kalantzis entitled “Learner Identities” made me wonder how my students’ learner identities impacted their access to education. In New York City, I had students who came from a diverse background and had many students who spoke other languages or were born outside of the United States. They also came from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds and brought different life experiences with them in the classroom. Students identified themselves in various ways. Whether discussing where they lived in the city, their linguistic background, age or race, students often identified themselves in one or more categories. It made me think about how I describe myself. I am a teacher, sister, wife, New Englander, skier, bilingual, lover of book, etc. My students in Vermont come from a less varied background but still identify themselves in many ways. I believe this comes from the fact that each student, no matter where they attend school, wants to fit in and get the education they deserve. This just makes me think how important it is to get to know each of our students to learn how they best identify themselves, in order to provide them with the best tools to succeed in the classroom.