Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Essential Peer Reviewed Update #5

Comment: Discuss one striking idea in the fraught history of Asian Americans in US education.

As for 'The Japanese-American Internment Experience', I have been wondering why only Japanese, but not Germans nor Italians.

When it comes to atom bombs, I wonder why in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, not in Germany nor Italy?

Make an Update: Explore the complexities and contradictions in the experience of one demographic grouping in education in your social and historical context.

I have been working at universities in Japan and in Sweden. Japan has been much homogeneous society while Sweden is getting more and more heterogeneous. The problem in Japan is that there is so little demographic differences. In Sweden immigrants are called 'invandrare' and unfortunately forming a sort of second class citizens to some extent. 

Diversity could surely contribute to creativity but could also cause demerits. I have watched both sides in Sweden and in Japan but we need to seek for more diversity and there is no other way. It is not possible to be isolated.