New Learning MOOC’s Updates

My experience.

I am a professor of physical education at a public school in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.Specifically in physical education I notice some changes that relate to the content of this course.When I was a student, physical education classes were limited to practicing physical exercises, or teaching sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball and handball. at this time students should perform exactly the movements that teachers demonstrated. There were no questions, and we always had to adapt to the content of teaching.
I currently use other approaches with my students. Approaches that respect the limits of the students, in which we listen to their opinions, their doubts and desires.One of these approaches is called "teaching games for understanding". In this model the mastery of the "concept" of the game is more important than performing the moves correctly. When students experience difficulties in the game, we can make modifications so that students can participate.
I understand that throughout the evolution of physical education here in Brazil (maybe in the rest of the world too). The focus of the lesson came from the teaching of content, and moved to the learning of the students.
This is a link to an article that explains the approach quoted above. TGfU: