New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Optional Peer Reviewed Update #1

I am a teacher in Brazil, a country considered poor.
I studied for most of my life in low-quality public schools.
When I was a student, the school was extremely traditional (as we are referring here). The classes were extremely directed. The teachers talked about the content, we did exercises and after some time we were evaluated.

The classroom was very simple, there was only the blackboard. Sometimes teachers would bring a radio as a way to differentiate learning.

Today I am a teacher in a public school very close to the neighborhood where I lived.
The school has changed little. We still have little access to communication and information technologies, but I see great changes in the ways of teaching. In the postures of the teacher.

I am particularly concerned about the learning of my students. When I was a student, if we did not learn, we had to repeat the school year. It was always the students' fault.
Today I perceive a greater preoccupation of the teachers with the learning. A great effort to bring new ways to present the subjects so that the students are active in their learning.

The great difference I perceive is the transformation of what Professor Paulo Freire called "banking education" in which students were considered empty of content, for an education where students are participative and active in their learning.