New Learning MOOC’s Updates

New teaching methods modify Brazilian scenario.

Here, I will reproduce a part of the text in the link below.

" O desempenho das escolas brasileiras medido em avaliações nacionais e internacionais mostra níveis insatisfatórios de desenvolvimento. Em busca do avanço nos rankings e na qualidade da educação, surgem por todo o país projetos inovadores de ensino como uma alternativa para a educação brasileira". (...)

"The performance of Brazilian schools measured in national and international assessments shows unsatisfactory levels of development. In search of the advance in the rankings and the quality of the education, innovative projects of education appear all over the country as an alternative for the Brazilian education". (...)

As we can see, the debate about new learning is present in various parts of the world, and in Brazil it is no different. The unsatisfactory performance of Brazilian students lead teachers to think of new ways of teaching.

A frase popular “o Brasil tem estudantes do século 21, professores do século 20 e uma escola do século 19” se conecta com a falta de comunicação e interação entre os atores da educação e com a inexistência de um objetivo comum. As aulas tradicionais são, geralmente, desinteressantes para os alunos, desestimulando e impedindo um aprendizado completo e prazeroso.

The popular phrase "Brazil has 21st century students, 20th century teachers and a 19th century school" connects with the lack of communication and interaction between the actors of education and the lack of a common goal. Traditional classes are generally uninteresting for students, discouraging them and preventing them from learning fully and pleasantly.

The lack of public investment, and interest on the part of the rulers, made educational rates extremely worrying.

É nesse cenário que surgem novas possibilidades de ensino, voltadas para uma geração que já não se adapta mais aos sistemas e metodologias desenvolvidas em séculos passados. Os métodos alternativos buscam mudar a estrutura de ensino, como por exemplo, com o uso de aulas em círculo (sala horizontal), em que o professor não é uma autoridade perante os alunos, ou a sala de aula invertida, onde alunos e professores trabalham juntos.

It is in this scenario that new teaching possibilities arise, aimed at a generation that no longer adapts to the systems and methodologies developed in past centuries. Alternative methods seek to change the structure of teaching, such as the use of circle classes (horizontal room), where the teacher is not an authority before the students, or the inverted classroom where students and teachers work together.

I believe that new ways of teaching are imperative in our times. But the lack of public interest and investment are essential points for improving this scenario.
Often teachers are solely responsible for the low student performance.

Investment in teacher training is a crucial point at this stage.
The report cites the investment of the state of São Paulo to promote forms of new learning. But I work in the state network and have never seen this investment.