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Social objectives for educationa

Social objectives for educationa - set of tasks that define and express the meaning of its existence as a social institution, designed to make its specific contribution to the comprehensive progress of social life. Therefore, unlike pedagogical ones, these goals are formulated as the expected results of the practical activities of graduates of educational institutions. They are considered as the starting point that determines the direction of educational activity, its content and requirements for results. The primacy of social goals in relation to pedagogical ones should not be understood purely pragmatically as the subordination of education to the current needs of the world of work or other applied tasks of social practice. The objective interest of society in the high quality of the personal factor of positive social changes coincides with the interest of its constituent individuals in the comprehensive development of their activity abilities. The goals of education are classified on different grounds, one of them is the interests of the social subject, on the basis of which they are set: a) society as a whole, i.e. common interests of all its members - technological, economic, cultural progress; b) social communities - groups, territories, enterprises, institutions, organizations that need certain educational services as a necessary condition for their development; c) individuals who need quality education for a full, creative and satisfying life in modern society.