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Recent changes in the nature of education

Modern learning in the broadest sense of the word is undergoing changes. The process itself is aimed at obtaining high-quality knowledge by the student, which will help him in the future to effectively perform work duties. Enterprises and organizations need competent, enterprising, responsible employees who can quickly make the right decisions and predict results.
The existing educational system is moving in the following directions:

Humanization. It assumes an orientation not towards the interests of production and society, but towards the individual, the organization of comfortable conditions for his development. From this point of view, in teaching, the dominant role is given to development, “Subject-Subject” interaction, active educational methods, inclusion in self-analysis and reflection. The result of humanistic education is the education in a person of intellectual, informational, civil and moral culture, self-determination in life and profession.
Fundamentalization. The knowledge acquired during the educational process is the main personal capital. They must be “converted,” that is, applied in the labor market. This principle is implemented through teaching basic qualifications, strengthening training components in professional curricula, and increasing the scientific potential of schools, technical schools, colleges, and universities.
Technologization. Technological training of a future specialist is one of the main elements of modern education, both general and professional.
Democratization. This trend is based on the student’s independent organization of his educational activities, cooperation between teacher and student, diversity of educational systems, equal rights and opportunities in obtaining quality knowledge.
Computerization. The assimilation of knowledge is impossible without the ability to use computer technologies, which contribute to a deep perception of the material, increased motivation and the development of intellectual abilities.