New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Essential Update #3 Changing role of the Teacher

The role of the teacher and the teaching model as a whole is undergoing great changes, the reason for this is the speed of life, the peculiarities of the social environment, the actively ongoing process of globalization. Today, as I believe, there is a big struggle for the student's attention, not just to draw the student's attention, but also to keep it. In this regard, teachers of our time compete with social networks, the Internet and even with artificial intelligence. A modern student does not value knowledge so highly — after all, they are accessible and open, one has only to go online. And knowledge is now important only if it can be applied somehow, to benefit. It is very difficult for modern schoolchildren to sit for a long time at a book or think about one task: they are carriers of clip thinking, perceive information in short fragments, prefer to receive information in the form of a live picture or an understandable scheme.

Nevertheless, there are certain methods of interaction that can improve the situation. First of all, it is to conduct a full—fledged dialogue with both students and their parents, involving them in the educational process. Then — to look at the educational process more broadly, to go beyond the boundaries of subject knowledge, to appreciate not the accuracy of information reproduction, but the ability to apply knowledge in practice, to see various algorithms for solving problem situations. These are the main properties of the new pedagogy. Along with them, the following features can be distinguished: the mandatory use of modern digital tools and resources inside and outside of school; emphasis on knowledge that is applicable in the real world; the formation of teaching skills and competencies in students (we teach them to learn), the development of the ability to manage their knowledge; less hierarchical relationships between student and teacher, aimed at joint research, discovery, search for solutions.

  • Bui Nhi