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Importance of pedagogy in teaching

Quality teaching pedagogy provides strong foundations in learning. It aids the students in advanced concepts and abilities. Also enables teachers to observe the academic progress of their students. Below are the importance of pedagogy in teaching. 

First,improves quality of teaching. If a well-thought pedagogy is implemented in the classrooms.It makes the students more receptive during learning sessions. This will also benefits the students by helping them undrstand the educational material, thereby improves the learning outcomes. 

Second, Encourage cooperative learning environment. It encourage the students to collaborate with others towards completing the task and learn them together. therefore,it helps increase the perceptions of understanding and taking views from other students and making them better leaders in the future.

Third, Student can follow their ways of learning. It caters to the learning abilities of different students. helps them grasp education in various ways. 

Fourth, Improves Teacher- Student communication. good communication skils of a teacher is the basic need of academics success of students. Teacher helps students to develop active listening,respectful communication with empathy and also encourage to an open discussions and create a safe environment.

Fifth, Convenient learning approach for all. Implementation of a suitable pedagogical approach will helps and encourage students with special needs and students from disadvantaged groups to be part of the mainstream learning community.

  • Bui Nhi