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Transformative Education (Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education)

Education has the power to transform lives. It is essential to reshape our relation with the human kind and the planet.

Transformative Education contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and makes part of the SDG Target 4.7 on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED)

Transformative Education (ESD and GCED together), is an element of quality education and a crucial enabler for sustainable development. It empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty and inequality. It builds a sense of belonging to a common humanity and help them become responsible and active global citizens in building inclusive, peaceful and sustainable societies. Transformative Education is a life-long process and need to be mainstreamed at all ages. Everybody can promote its values, through education, family, friends, the media and much more. This is done by developing learners’ knowledge about local and global facts, realities and issues, by developing soft skills such as empathy and appreciation of diversity, but also by providing learners with skills to be able to take concrete actions to act towards building more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable societies. These soft skills also allow young people to be better suited to integrate the labour market, where skills such as being able to efficiently working with others, understanding complex issues and situations, working in a multicultural environment, being empathetic and result-oriented are increasingly required.

Jane Goodall's statement on transforming education

Sep 21, 2022 The Transforming Education Summit convened in response to a global crisis in education - one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance. Often slow and unseen, this crisis is having a devastating impact on the futures of children and youth worldwide. The Summit of 16, 17 and 19 September 2022 elevates education to the top of the global political agenda and mobilizes action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover pandemic-related learning losses and sows the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world.

More about the summit

More about Transforming Education https://transformingeducationsummit.s

Follow @TransformingEdu @Education2030UN #TransformingEducation #LeadingSDG4

Learn now about the next steps f the Youth Declaration on #TransformingEducation

There are many ways we can translate learning into action to transform our own life and that of others. Transformative education help solve problems around us and empower individuals to make difference by being involved and participative. These global advocacies of UNESCO through the Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizen Education can be brought to the local context to initiate activities that will help attain its objectives. Teachers need to direct learnings of the students to come up with outputs that will directly and indirectly address the interconnected global challenges the world is facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty and inequality. There is a need to focus on the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes formation of the learners to be able to relate to the importance of transformative education and get involved on those advocacies in the global context. Getting involved with the advocacies and working with others will help the young people develop their soft skills, problem solving, concern for the environment and love of humanity. Transformative education indeed is an element of quality education and a crucial enabler for sustainable development. Let us help educate and make a difference by getting involved.