New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Better resources for better learning

“Our teachers are there because it is a vocation. Teachers do not become teachers because it is their job. Teachers do not become teachers because they want to become rich. Teachers become teachers because they have to. It is a vocation. And it is up to us to support them in that effort because they feel the need to educate young people. And we are blessed that we have such teachers and we should hold them close and do all we can to support them so that they can do, to the best of their ability, what they have pledged to do.

So, we invest in our teachers. We will offer them multiple opportunities that meet both their personal and professional needs. We will offer them the support they need in terms of resources, in terms of programs, and policies so that they can effectively perform their roles as teachers and mentors of our children. It is my firm belief that quality teachers yield hard-working, productive, and law-abiding citizens. We will also invest in our learners by giving them the right tools and mechanisms that they need in their day-to-day schooling.

Let us take advantage of the new technologies and innovations that will provide them convenience and efficiency in their pursuit of learning. Aside from advancing their academic competencies, it is also imperative that we hone them to become productive and responsible members of our society.”


This speech was given by a president to address the educational situation of a country. I was particularly drawn to this part of the speech because of how much it highlights the importance of providing the resources an educator needs in order to transform students to productive citizens. I have learned through the course that educators should be leaders of change. Educators should be able to adapt to change and design an effective method for better learning. We as educators are designers of the new world. This task would be difficult if we didn’t have the right tools (technology), so I applaud this speech for highlighting the importance of providing technology and innovations to the teachers for effective learning. It was also stated that the government will be providing the learners the right tools that they need for daily learning. This is a great platform that will surely benefit kids who have limited resources. I believe that better resources provide better educational system which provides better learning which then produces productive and better citizens

  • Fina Nobleza
  • Carly Faber