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The role of technology application in teaching and learning in universities today

The role of technology application in teaching and learning in universities today

Technology application in education is the application and combined use of inventions and achievements of technology in teaching activities to improve methods, forms and tools of teaching and learning. Being able to maintain wide-ranging teaching and learning activities at all levels of education in general even during the Covid pandemic from the beginning of 2020 up to now in the online form has really been a clear demonstration, a breakthrough, development in the application of technology in education.

The article is my point of view to analyze the trend of higher education in the digital age, thereby affirming the role and importance of technology application in teaching and learning at universities in Vietnam in general and Practical application at FPT Polytechnic College Vietnam.

1. Traditional teaching

According to the concept of traditional teaching, learning is the process of acquiring and perceiving, thereby forming knowledge, skills, ideas and emotions. , explore, discover, discover, practice, exploit and process information ... self-forming knowledge, capacity and quality. Due to the different concepts and nature, the goals are also different. Teaching in the old way focuses on providing knowledge and skills, learning to take the exam, so often after taking the exam, students will immediately forget the knowledge they have learned before, whereas today's teaching focuses on training. think analytically, synthesize, critically, encourage creativity, enhance cooperation, teach methods, practice reading comprehension and self-study skills. Thereby, students learn to meet the requirements of present life and prepare for the future. Students see learning as necessary, helping themselves and indirectly benefiting society.

The content of traditional teaching is packed in books and what is received in class is communicated by the teacher. With a modern way of learning, students can access knowledge from many different sources, that is: lecturers, books, newspapers, museums, open learning materials, and learning via the internet. Exploiting to find out what information is completely depends on the needs and experience of the student. The one-way method of lecture and knowledge transmission, the fixed organizational form limited to the four walls of the classroom, is far different from the classroom organization in modern teaching. Teaching in today's environment is very mobile and flexible, learning in class, learning online, learning in the laboratory, experimenting in the field, doing internships at factories, businesses, personal self-study, self-study. and work in groups. And above all, the special difference between traditional teaching and learning and modern teaching and learning is the widespread application of modern science and technology applications to teaching and learning.

2. Education trends in the digital age

Only in the field of higher education, in the digital age with the explosion of the internet, it is becoming more and more common for students to own computers or smartphones with internet connection. This directly affects teaching and learning methods, has completely changed the traditional education method, reaching an active and global educational space. Digital platforms for education are increasingly being applied in most universities in the country.

E-learning is a form of education and learning based on the connection of the internet. Instructors and students can both participate in classes opened on the system through a tablet computer or smartphone with an internet connection. When logging into the system, the space is organized as a classroom, teachers can directly teach students or assign assignments, store lectures and study materials in different formats such as Word. , PDF, Video, etc. Students can follow online lectures or study at any time, submit assignments to lecturers, discuss in forums, take quizzes, essays, etc. right and wrong, etc. Specifically, E-learning has tools to support teaching such as: Using electronic writing tools; Simulation tools; Test creation tool; Tools to create multimedia presentations; Electronic seminar tools, …

There are also a number of software applications such as Camtasia Studio. These software allow us to easily create video tutorials, explanations, online courses with unlimited program possibilities. Connect with students through screen recordings, audio, voice narration, PowerPoint, picture-in-picture videos, and webcams. The main tools such as: Record everything; Set customizations; Add some effects; Record in picture; Re-edit the recorded video; Export movies to a required format; Share and present electronic lesson plans. Microsoft Teams, Zoom are applications used by many universities to conduct online teaching during the Covid period because of their friendly interface, ease of use and integration of many features for related activities. teaching as fully as possible. Students who use integrated technology in the digital age in learning can be considered as digital students, the teacher is a digital teacher, and the teaching learning environment is a digital environment.

2.1. Student No.

In this approach the student is now at the center. In modern learning, students are more active in choosing the content of the learning program, and are free to choose pre-designed modules in the training program framework.

At FPT Polytechnic Vietnam College, the teaching process will be directed to students who need to get used to the new curriculum, including face-to-face learning and online learning on the CMS system. LMS, Udemy (school's online learning system). Students must consider choosing individual-oriented learning methods and programs that are determined by each individual's abilities, interests, style, and needs. In the learning process, students are an important link in a group, in a class, as a part of the whole course, so students need to actively practice and equip themselves with working learning skills. independence as well as teamwork skills to ensure work efficiency - who to study with, what to study, at any time, also needs to be arranged in a scientific and reasonable manner.

2.2. Number teacher

With the application of current new technologies in the field of education, students can connect with various sources of information about the field, rich in formats and languages such as Google Search, ChatGPT, ..., all are all outside the school grounds. Therefore, the requirements for teaching staff must constantly update, learn and apply new technologies that are changing every day to meet the needs of students. Each lecturer will perform the role of guiding, transmitting and connecting students with data sources and learning materials; Lecturers are digital teachers, must master technology to be ready to support students in approaching, accepting use, inspiring students to be able to use technology and make the most of resources. this priceless resource. Specifically: electronic lectures, documents, textbooks, Quiz lessons, Lab lessons, Assignment lessons are regularly updated on the school's online learning system, the lecturer will introduce Sylabus right from the beginning of the course. learning, the schedule of each offline lesson, allocating Quiz and Lab lessons in the order that was written and getting objective evaluation scores on the online system.

2.3. Digital learning materials

With the efforts of digital learners and number teachers, when participating in the digital environment, digital learning is also developing very strongly. At FPT Polytechnic College, a digital data warehouse such as: subject information, curriculum framework, electronic lectures, textbooks, online lectures, online videos, etc. To attendance, statistics of lecture time, class time of both lecturers and students are digitized through an internal online system. Stored, digitized learning materials will help readers easily access, look up information, share and contribute ideas, etc.

2.4. Digital learning environment

The process of students' interaction with products of artificial intelligence (AI), robot application in teaching, face recognition technology (Face recognition ), biometrics ( Biometrics ), emotion recognition ( Emotive) recognition ), … will create new, diverse and more effective access to information for personalized learning. With special courses, the application of virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality (AR)/mixed reality (MR)/imaging reality (CR), etc. will create interactive opportunities in physical/virtual space, multi-dimensional, increased accessibility, information processing; expanding learning space and environment; develop the capacity of creative thinking and problem solving of both students and teachers, through which the quality of teaching and learning is constantly increased.

3. The role of technology application in university teaching and learning

Through the analysis of modern education trends, we must once again confirm that the role of the application of science and technology in life in general and in the field of education in particular is extremely large. That role is reflected in the following key aspects:

Firstly, the application of technology in teaching plays a role in promoting open education, making educational activities more effective: Technology promotes an open education, helping people to access multidimensional information, shorten the distance, narrow every space, save time optimally. Since then people develop faster in knowledge, perception and thinking. Open educational programs help people exchange and seek knowledge effectively. Modern learning and teaching requires approaching a problem from many different sources of information, from many different perspectives, through which readers have a universal view, have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge, find Understanding the essential nature and root cause of the problem, contributing to improving knowledge, changing thinking, this indirectly helps the study and research work to be more effective. Accompanying open education are open learning resources, helping students and teachers to connect with knowledge effectively wherever they are and at any time. Open learning resources are an inevitable development trend of modern education.

Secondly, teachers and learners easily collect, synthesize, and store a rich and diverse amount of knowledge and are regularly updated : With traditional education, students receive knowledge mainly from books, Currently, this diverse source of knowledge is provided online via an internet connection, we can find thousands of millions of search results after one mouse click. Technology provides instant access to knowledge sources, from general knowledge to academic knowledge that can be easily searched and applied in teaching processes through the library's search systems, Search engines like Google Search, Google Scholars, Google Books, academic databases like Scopus, academic social networks like Academia, Resarch Gates, etc. In modern education, teachers are the transmitter of basic and core knowledge, acting as a guide for students on how to exploit abundant and multidimensional information from the Internet. This plays a great role in the educational innovation process to help personalize learning, practice, improve the spirit of active learning, learn in tandem with practice, in order to maximize creativity. mine.

The third is to bring convenience by flexible study space and time: Students can self-study at any time (no matter what time is deemed suitable for each individual), anywhere ( anywhere as long as there is an internet connection to the online program, or can be saved to study on a computer or phone (when there is no internet connection) Technology application allows everyone to participate participants to discuss a certain issue (seminars, conferences, meetings, ...) without having to gather in one place, not in the same country, thereby contributing to creating a broad learning society where students can actively learn, exchange knowledge, and gain lifelong experience.

The fourth is the role in promoting personal capacity development: With the convenience of learning anywhere, anytime, the application of technology will create opportunities for students to choose the topics they like. interests, in accordance with talents and interests, thereby developing according to the strengths of each person. That will promote the development of talents. Available learning programs, rich open learning materials that make searching easy will indirectly motivate individuals to actively equip with new knowledge, fill in gaps, stimulate exploration and discovery. and creativity. Besides, with appropriate and attractive technology, it is easy to engage students . Devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones with Internet connection are tools that students can use at home or anywhere even on the go. Therefore, students will be more comfortable and active when using these tools to connect with classmates, teachers and the school. Using technology in the classroom makes it easier for students to express interest, attention, expectations, and positive attitudes toward learning, thereby improving the quality of teaching and learning.

Fifth is the role in research, science and technology transfer: The application of information technology in general in the management of research activities and transfer of science and technology in universities includes the following contents: such as: Application in management of registration and granting of codes of scientific and technological research projects; Application in management of scientific research activities of scientific research subjects; Application in output management of scientific research products; Application in administration and protection of intellectual property rights. Thus, universities, doing well in applying technology in management of research activities and science and technology transfer, will contribute to improving the quality of scientific research and protecting intellectual property rights for students. people doing scientific research, thereby also raising the status, affirming the brand, and building the image of educational and training institutions.

Letter six, meeting the increasing demand for quality human resources, quickly adapting to future jobs: The trend of education and training today is that training goes hand in hand with employment, vocational training for career guidance is becoming more and more popular among universities. study in the world in general and Vietnam in particular. The fact that students have access to technology applications right from the time they are at school will help them practice practical skills, work in a technology environment, and when they graduate, they will soon integrate into the working environment. New technology requires certain skills as well as understanding of technology. In fact, not only digital skills, students are also trained in soft skills, critical thinking, independent research ability, and proficiency in using technology, so they can quickly meet the requirements. urgent questions of professional practice. Therefore, the application of information technology in education has a direct impact on high-quality human resources for enterprises, facilitating the expansion of labor cooperation. The labor cooperation in the market will create a link between schools - businesses - students, bringing benefits to all parties: For students, they are committed to recruiting right after graduation. For the school, it will enhance its brand, reputation and position in the education market, and increasingly attract students. For businesses, this model will help them proactively have well-trained human resources according to the requirements of the business.

Thus, the application of technology in teaching and learning or in other words, innovating the training program in the direction of updating advanced and modern technologies will be the foundation to supply abundant human resources with high potential. high quality for today's market economy.

4. Conclusion

In summary, it can be seen that the application of technology in teaching is an inevitable trend that plays an important role and will bring certain benefits to individuals, groups and the whole society. When we are aware of this problem clearly and surely, we will be ready to accept, actively strive, change our thinking, join hands in comprehensive reform of education towards modernity.

For teachers: Enhance creativity and become more flexible in their teaching process. Teachers are not only bound by the amount of existing knowledge, but also learn more and connect the knowledge of other specialties such as informatics and learn the skills of using images and sounds in teaching. Lecture design; Lectures are getting richer and more attractive; Easily share lectures with colleagues, discuss together and improve the quality of your lectures.

For students: To have access to new teaching methods that are more attractive than the traditional reading - copying method; The interaction between teachers and students has also improved significantly, students have more opportunities to express their own views and opinions; Help lecturers understand more about the students' ability, personality and level of knowledge acquisition, thereby making appropriate and scientific adjustments to promote the development of the individual student's capacity; Practice essential skills right from the time you are in school.

For society: The quality of teachers is improved, teaching methods are changed in a positive direction. We can hope that one day, Vietnam's education will keep up with the development of countries with leading education systems in the world.

Obviously, new technology applications will not only benefit students and teachers, but also have great significance for the development of both society and the country.