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science education in New Zealand school

Media embedded July 19, 2023

One of the main challenges with the New Zealand mathematics curriculum is that it has been poorly implemented. This has led to a lack of clarity and consistency in the way that mathematics is taught in schools. As a result, many students are not getting the high-quality mathematics education that they need.

Another challenge with the New Zealand mathematics curriculum is that it undermines education as a science. This is because the curriculum does not emphasize the importance of factual knowledge and procedural skills in mathematics. Instead, the curriculum focuses on teaching students how to think and solve problems.

While there is some value in teaching students how to think and solve problems, this approach is not enough on its own. Students also need to have a strong foundation in factual knowledge and procedural skills in order to be successful in mathematics.

The poor implementation of the New Zealand mathematics curriculum and the undermining of education as a science have contributed to the decline in mathematics and science competence among New Zealand students. If these challenges are not addressed, the decline in mathematics and science competence is likely to continue.

Here are some specific suggestions for how to improve the implementation of the New Zealand mathematics curriculum and to strengthen the emphasis on education as a science:

1. Provide more training and support for teachers so that they can effectively implement the curriculum.
2. Develop clear and consistent guidelines for teaching mathematics in schools.
3. Emphasize the importance of factual knowledge and procedural skills in mathematics.
4. Integrate mathematics with other subjects, such as science and technology.
5. Make sure that students have access to high-quality mathematics resources.

By addressing these challenges, we can help to improve mathematics and science education in New Zealand and ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in these subjects.

  • Bui Nhi