New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Transformative Pedagogy

Transformative pedagogy refers to an educational approach that aims to empower students to critically analyze and challenge existing social, political, and cultural norms in order to promote positive social change. It goes beyond traditional teaching methods by fostering a deep understanding of social justice, equity, and human rights issues, and encourages students to become active agents of change in their communities.

Transformative pedagogy emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility. It encourages students to question the status quo, challenge oppression and discrimination, and engage in collective action to address societal inequalities. The goal is to not only impart knowledge and skills but also to cultivate students' agency, consciousness, and commitment to social justice.

In transformative pedagogy, the role of the teacher is not limited to transmitting information but also includes facilitating dialogue, promoting reflection, and providing opportunities for students to explore and express their own perspectives. The curriculum often incorporates diverse perspectives and experiences, addressing issues of power, privilege, and systemic injustice.

Overall, transformative pedagogy seeks to create a transformative learning environment where students become active participants in their own education and are empowered to envision and create a more equitable and just society.


  • Payal Clarence Fernandes