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Parse an e-learning technology or practice

Recently, the concept of e-Learning has become widespread in the world, meaning the process of learning in electronic form, via the Internet. The transition from the traditional form of education to computer-based learning has been taking place for two decades. Since the emergence of large archives located on machine-readable media, the idea of using this material for training purposes has appeared more and more often. To a greater extent, such a transition became possible with the development of the global Internet, which made it possible to transfer any amount of data over long distances, freely communicate with network users online, post information on Internet pages, thereby making it accessible to everyone. Today, e-learning is understood as a form of learning using interactive electronic means of providing information: CD-ROMs, local networks, the global Internet. Solving its initial task, learning remotely via the Internet, e-Learning technology is also an excellent additional means of full-time education and can be a good way to improve the quality of training in the traditional form of education.