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2020 Democratic National Committee Platform

One example of a contemporary text of political rhetoric that sets social objectives for education is the 2020 Democratic National Committee Platform. The platform lays out a commitment to providing high-quality education for all, including universal pre-kindergarten, increased funding for K-12 schools serving low-income communities, and expanding access to affordable higher education.
While the platform is rich in rhetoric, it lacks specifics on how these objectives will be achieved. For example, it does not provide a clear plan for funding or implementing universal pre-kindergarten or increasing funding for low-income schools. Additionally, while the platform mentions the need to address systemic inequalities in education, it does not offer concrete solutions for doing so.
Overall, while the Democratic National Committee Platform sets important social objectives for education, its lack of specifics may limit its effectiveness in achieving these goals. More concrete plans and policy proposals will be needed to turn this rhetoric into a reality.

  • Mac Cam Tram Tram