New Learning MOOC’s Updates

E-learning technology in the Covid pandemic with mind mapping tool

I may have preferred to teach face-to-face in the past, but since the Covid pandemic covered the city where I live, everyone has to stay at home, from that moment I have seen the power of E-learning, it helps I am very much in teaching during the Covid pandemic.

I myself can't leave my house, students like me, they have to live in completely blocked off neighborhoods. Can only communicate with each other through the computer screen. We had to use Zoom to interact and teach. My lessons are shared via Zoom screen, instructing how to use the software. My theory lectures are based on Prezi application to present and share lectures online through a link from Prezi. I like Prezi better because of the way its slides are created in the form of a mind map, not a linear form. Prezi helps learners grasp the lesson in general, see each detailed content right from the first slide.

Since then, I have also drawn from my own experience that using mind maps in online teaching is more effective, takes less time, and students better grasp the lecture.

Case study exercises, if analyzed based on mind maps, will be more intuitive than other traditional forms.

  • Fereshteh Bagherimiyab