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How to make online teaching and learning effective?

Elearning has become more and more popular and despised in many countries since Covid-19, thanks to its convenience and diversity. This written assignment is to present some effective solutions for this teaching and learning method.

1.Diversify technological application

Information technology is being widely applied in education and training. Instead of using only one form of e-learning, you can experiment with many other websites, software and learning applications such as Google Meet and Zoom Meeting. Thanks to the actual experience, you will choose the most effective and suitable online method. As a result, the learning process also becomes richer and more engaging

2. Create initiative from both sides of the teacher - the learner

To ensure that online teaching brinsg practical results, both teachers and learners need to be proactive and self-disciplined. On the part of learners, it is necessary to clearly define the goals of participating in courses, establish a habit of concentration, attend lessons on time and take notes by themselves to increase the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition. As for teachers, They should encourage the exchange, discussion, and regularly adjust the content to increase the interest of the students.

3. Innovate the teaching approaches

In regular classrooms, many teachers still apply a one-way teaching method, mainly giving lectures, limiting questions and answers with students. But when switching to online, face-to-face exchanges and discussions need to be increased to ensure that students firmly grasp knowledge and focus on learning. In addition, depending on the each subject, teachers can adjust the way they assign and review lessons to help increase learners' interest.

4. Archive lectures

There are two reasons why you need to archive lectures: first, to ensure that students, due to technical problems, cannot participate directly nor miss lessons; secondly, helping students learn and review themselves better because the interaction and direct exchange with teachers is quite limited. In addition to online teaching videos, teachers should also include essential supporting materials such as lecture slides, documents and reference content.

5. Follow up and support students

Because of learning through online channels, student cannot be taken care of directly as with traditional education. This process can be routed through channels such as email, text messages or phone calls. Teachers need to make sure that students are following the content closely and have no problems acquiring knowledge while taking the course.




  • Fereshteh Bagherimiyab