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Changing Role of a Teacher in 21st Century

Tony Wagner, an eminent education specialist, once said “The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you do with what you know.” So what roles do teachers play in helping students apply what they have learned into practice?

Firstly, the role of teachers has been shifted from knowledge deliverer to skills and knowledge developer. It is believed that modern education is geared towards holistic personal development. In the past, teaching was mainly about imparting knowledge to learners. The quality of education was based on the amount of knowledge that learners acquired. Today, in addition to knowledge, learners are also equipped with social skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving and digital literacy, emotional intelligence, as well as an open mind to be able to navigate their way through life and uncertain future.

Secondly, teachers should be the companions, guides and inspirations to their students. In the era of information technology boom, many people think that AI will gradually replace teachers at schools. Nowadays, students can easily absorb an infinite amount of knowledge with the help of technology. In that context, teachers should enable students to make sense of the information, distinguishing the difference between what is important and what is not. If technology can help students access information quickly and conveniently, then teachers are the ones who guide them to gain valuable experience in their learning process. Teachers are the companions to help stimulate, encourage and guide students to approach and develop skills comprehensively.

In conclusion, a shift in the role of teachers in the modern educational context is essential. To get those changes, teachers need to be aware of their roles and constantly learn and improve themselves. At the same time, the attention and support from other stakeholders like the educational íntitutions, parents and society will contribute to the success of this transition.

  • Minh Trí Di