New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Technology's impact on education

The new normal of the world is to learn via any available means, and only technology will aid that. Whereby students have unlimited access to videos of lectures and materials that can aid there learning. Have you ever wondered what the recent pandemic would have been like without the advancement of technology? Well, I guess we would really never know.

Online degrees have now become more popular giving everyone who has the desire to study the opportunity to study far and wide without the fear of being confined to the four walls of the classroom.

We have gradually moved from an era where the teacher does all the work of teaching with little or no input from the students to a point where through the support of e-learning facilities students can now think and make their well-meaning contribution without the fear of being shut out.

Although many may argue that due to the waning attention span of humans generally, it may be difficult to achieve a 100% focus in education, but teachers can come up with more interesting concepts to keep students hooked while still being flexible.

As a result of using technology inside and outside the classroom, students will be able to develop 21st-century skills that will prepare them for future careers.

The impact of technology can undoubtedly not be ignored as it plays a huge role in ensuring that the entire teaching and learning process is more enjoyable and seamless causing learning to move from being passive to being interactive and engaging.


  • Phung Bui