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Lesson 7 Advantages of Subject-Centered Curriculum Design

It is possible and desirable to determine in advance what all children will learn in various subjects and grade levels. For instance, curricula for schools in centralized systems of education are generally developed and approved centrally by a governing body in the education body for a given district or state. In the U.S., the state government often oversees this process which is guided by standards.

It is usually required to set minimum standards of performance and achievement for the knowledge specified in the subject area.
Almost all textbooks and support materials on the educational market are organized by subject, although the alignment of the text contents and the standards are often open for debate.
Tradition seems to give this design greater support. People have become familiar and more comfortable with the subject-centered curriculum and view it as part of the system of the school and education as a whole.
The subject-centered curriculum is better understood by teachers because their training was based on this method, i.e. specialization.
Advocates of the subject-centered design have argued that the intellectual powers of individual learners can develop through this approach.
Curriculum planning is easier and simpler in the subject-centered curriculum design.