New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Case-based learning

•Case-based learning uses a guided inquiry method, but usually requires the students to have a degree of prior knowledge that can assist in analysing the case.
•There is usually more flexibility in the approach to case-based learning compared to PBL.
•Case-based learning is particularly popular in business education, law schools and clinical practice in medicine, but can be used in many other subject domains.

Eleven basic rules for case-based learning:

•Tells a story.
•Focuses on an interest-arousing issue.
•Set in the past five years
•Creates empathy with the central characters.
•Includes direct quotations from the characters.
•Relevant to the reader….

Case-based learning can be particularly valuable for dealing with complex, interdisciplinary topics or issues which have no obvious ‘right or wrong’ solutions, or where learners need to evaluate and decide on competing, alternative explanations. Case-based learning can also work well in both blended and fully online environments