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What students need to do to promote the creative dynamism of consciousness, avoid passive, dependent, sit-and-wait, conservative, stagnant, lack of creativity attitude

Must promote the creative dynamism of consciousness, bring into play the role of the human factor, fight against ideology, passive attitude, dependence, sit-and-wait, conservatism, stagnation, lack of creativity; must attach importance to the role of consciousness, to ideological work and ideological education, to the theoretical education of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought. At the same time, it is necessary to educate and raise the level of scientific knowledge, consolidate and foster enthusiasm and revolutionary will for cadres, party members and the people in general, especially in the condition of intellectual civilization. , knowledge economy, current globalization; attach importance to the preservation and training of moral qualities for cadres and party members, ensuring the unity between revolutionary enthusiasm and scientific knowledge.

  • Danh Đoàn