New Learning MOOC’s Updates

New Learning

Pedagogy which is focused on tranforming learners by understanding them. In this text, we will extend the ideas based on New Learning theory. Firstly, as an educator, we ought to adjust our teaching ways to adapt to social changes. That is, flexibility is focused. In any forms of class, formal or informal, with the help of technology, learning is much more diverse with rich resources and diverse learners, so uniformity don’t work anymore. Teachers have to play some roles not only teaching like before to raise students’ engagement. Secondly, globalism sets a new challenge for society when each school system have its own local focus. More, we must have mutual outlook that tranfers learner into global well-needed citizen. These also leads to teachers role changes. We also need to teach our learners with the same purposes. Last but not least, even though we all clearly about new learning context, we still meet some challenges when practicing.