New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Teachers Pedagogical Knowledge

Teachers' Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) is about the three parts of supporting the learning process: Instruction, Learner's cognitive interpretation and representations, and learing. 

I consolidated this model into TPK , but the system keeps telling it cannot retrieve the media, so here is the URL:

It is important to remember that the instructional process and learning process are two different things: instruction is about delivering information and learning is about acquiring it and elaborating [2], so that the information becomes learners’ subjective knowledge, which obviously is different for each individual student. This is why we should consider learning objectives to be just guidelines showing us what is the basic competency level.



Sonmark, K. et al. (2017), “Understanding teachers’ pedagogical knowledge: report on an international pilot study”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 159, OECD Publishing, Paris.

  • Tran Nguyen Kim