New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Unfettered learning

The idea of self-organized learning environments (SOLE) is a true innovation in learning. It breaks the traditional boundaries and hierarchy of teaching and learning and proves that learning can happen organically through self-discovery with very little guidance. The SOLE project is transformative in that learning is not confined to a space or time. Simply given one tool, a computer, the child figures out how to use it, they teach each other, then they interact with the content in the computer. It is a communal process of discovery that is shared. The children use their natural curiosity as the curriculum and discover the world around them. 

The traditionalist part of me, cringes when I think about this type of learning because its not systematic and orderly. Yet, the learning process must reflect on the society which the children will enter. It calls for people to participate in the knowledge creation. As we continue to pursue this kind of learning, it will address issues of equity because learners become the drivers of their learning. Learning is no longer limited to the elite who pay high tuition to access knowledge content.