New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Self-customization of my teacher training

Currently, I am preparing to become a licensed teacher. Education for me has changed drastically from the time I initially entered undergraduate school over 20 years ago. At that time, I entrusted the institution to design a curriculum and course of learning that would shape me into a knowledgeable citizen for the workforce. However, now as I train to become a teacher, I feel more ownership in crafting my own curriculum. This is possible because of the abundance of content and open-source education. I find that I am will not be adequately trained to be a teacher in today’s school with only the minimum state requirements. I am turning to supplement my education and training through MOOC courses and adding to my education with classes from a variety of institutions and perspectives. I want to learn the traditional skill sets and areas of knowledge that are required by teachers but I also want to learn about the latest innovations in education in our quickly evolving society. I feel a combination of traditional learning and new learning will equip me to be a relevant teacher for today’s children. This type of learning is what our children will be facing and thus adapting in this way is essential to be good educators.