New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Beign an Educator in "Interesting Times"

After reading all the linked texts, and reflecting it back to the theory of the previous sections, a clearer picture of education emerges. One of increasing complexity, as it must be adapted to a fluctuating world with constant and accelerated changes of cultural paradigms. It is obvious that proving quality education to the general population, especially during early life, is of paramount importance. Moreover, targeting marginalized groups to provide education potentially reduces the trend towards marginalization. Notwithstanding, how to structure an effective education system is not straight forward, and may challenges emerge as the context where education takes place changes with culture, socioeconomical status, and prevailing ideologies.

My main takeaway from all these texts is that politicians should keep promoting education through discourse, accessibility, and opportunity. And that their understanding of the crucial role that education plays in society is evident. However, I feel that addressing strategies and protocols backed up by up-to-date neuroscience research should receive more attention and diffusion. How are we to feel incentivized to trust in education if their main promoters do not seem to have an eclectic grasp of what it involves? 

  • Jeanette Won