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According to Russell, education is a process of self-development. But self-development is possible only in and through society. Every individual has a social self. Russell pleaded for education for good and creative citizenship. Here also Russell has tried to make a happy blend of individualism and socialism.

Individual development is not possible without social progress and vice versa. “The cultivation of the individual mind is not, on face of it, the same thing as the production of a useful citizen,” said Russell. “The individual should mirror the world.” “The most vital need of the near future will be the cultivation of a vivid sense of citizenship of the world”, said Russell. According to him education is not end in itself. It is a means to an end.

Russell has also raised the question of humanism and utilitarianism. In this regard he has tried to make a happy compromise. Education must include human elements in simple manner. Human elements like history, literature, music, painting, fine arts are no less important than utilitarian subjects. These subjects help to develop finer aspects of life.

In this regard the opinion of Russell is: “I do not wish to suggest that humanistic elements in education are less important than the utilitarian elements. To know something of great literature, something of world history, something of music and painting and architecture, is essential if the life of imagination is to be fully developed. What I suggest is that, where a difficult technique is indispensable to the mastering of a subject, it is better that the subject should be useful.”