New Learning MOOC’s Updates

Update #7 Would future education would be like Finland Education System

Future is near. It is behind the doors. And there is not just talk about technologies in schools and preschools. As Barack Obama admited in his 2011 speach at Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis (3): "With the right education, both at home and at school, you can learn how to be a better human being." And golden rule-treat others as you would like to be treated. Or children education have to be treaten well and it is our responsibility to build new learning varieties what are helping our children feel brave, feel kind and make wourld better. Ame Duncan (2) opens eyes how important education is not just for richiest countries, but how better education will safe lifes in countries, where is hight poverty. And I wish that one of futures positive side would be bigger support from all countries, to these places for building education systems, possibility that all children go to school and get chance to live over poverty but can reach healthy and economical safe for them and their families. And how to work together we need to watch on one country, who did that.

"Today’s students are the first generation to have grown up with the internet, and the first to be educated by it. For both students and teachers, this new learning journey is uncharted territory. " on Recource 1. And there is kind of people, to whom not always need hight school diploma or master degree as shown Resource 4. And my husband is one of that kind of people. He had taught teacher-life, but he is just amazing understand economical and financal things. And actually he is the smartest people who I know. Tradicional education system was not for him. System, what are in many countries. But I am sure, that if we would live in....Finland, he would love going to school. And get degree. And I truly belive, that we can see, how look future education in all world. And it is now in Finland. (Resources 5. till 7.) They have the best education system. On start it starts with family, when child is born with payed parent leave to be with child, with gift box and so on. They are focused to give children their childhood and equal education in all country, no mater you came from poor or rich family. They have technologies but mostly, they treat childrens and teachers well. They all work as one team, support each other. And teacher profession have one of the highest prestige. Students have big competence on study place if they want to be teachers and need more than 6 year studied to be ready to teach and made methods by them self. Schools have connection and support to each other, not competence. They make new generation full with kind, full with knowledges and support. Making best of you as human being. That in my view is future education. Resources:



3. Barack Obama about Education

4. Most succesful people explain why collage degree can be useless

5. Top 10 Country Education systems in world

6. 'What if Finland's Great Teachers Taught in Your Schools?' Pasi Sahlberg - WISE 2013 Focus

7. Top 10 Reasons FINLAND Has the World’s Best SCHOOL SYSTEM