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Update #4 About Michelle Obama speach

One of my biggest insperation on worlds politic was Barack Obama and his amazing wife Michelle. So I decided read and whatch her (Michelle Obama) 2013 years speach at Bell Multicultural High School-Resource No.2 On her speach she tells about Barack Obamas set of goal, what calls North Star, becouse students, to whom Michelle on 2013 year told this speach, was end collage at 2020. And them plan was to make USA will have the highest graduation proportion in the world in 2020. Big plans. She admitted, that they and their team did a big work, to make better education for students and bigger support system for teachers, parents and educational system. She says, that the biggest impact of students education is student himself. And I can truly agree, becouse you can have the best enviroment, the newest technologies and biggest support, but if you have no patiance and will power and thirst for knowledge, it wont help. Your self as student need to be passionate on getting knowledge, on changing your brain neurones. And in Authentic Pedagogy that calls knowledge responsibilities. Michelle inspirationally told new people, what possibilties good education will give to them in their life and what miracles you can do if you really want to reach top of knowing, work hard and find solutions on problems, what can be in life. Do not afraid set high goals for education, dig them and belive in yourself. Be patient and thankful all your role models in your life, becouse every people, even who has not so many money can be inspirational person becouse of grit and the power of spirit. She told about her personal experiance from childhood learning till her studies in Princeton and Harward, this story is touching and shows that you can do big things if you truly want. She give great student examples and tell them stories, what shows passion on learning and hard working. She said, that grit, optimism and resilence is inmportant not just in school, but they are one of key of success in life. And I truly enjoyed with how big passion she lived in this speach and love for what she did, while Barack Obama was president. There are other insperating spaches and quetes about education meaning in successful life and personality design.




