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Essential Peer reviewed Update #7; Understanding the link between Transformative learning and neuropsychological development by Kuldeep Singh Guleria.


It is very important to underline the link between transformative learning and neuropsychological development. Transformative pedagogy is exactly what is needed in today’s learning scenario because of the intense need for a very high flexibility in the tutelage scenario due to the sporadic engagement and falling attention span of students. A type of pedagogy which would not only be individualistic in its outlook but also has room for adaptability and elasticity in the formulation of lesson plans as well as the curricular discourse is absolutely required.


The following points are mentionable in favour of the aforementioned position:
1. An architectonic arrangement that accommodates ubiquitous learning, duty of care and learning analytics in a progressive way helps in progressive cognitive development.
2. A discursive structure that accommodates a vertical command discourse to structured horizontal dialogue in a positive way helps progressive cognitive development.
3. Intersubjectivity puts much emphasis on learner engagement which helps in re-enforcement of constructive neural patterns.
4. The results achieved through intersubjectivity are more quantifiable and lead to a better progress monitoring system.
5. The value-addition and the effective enrichment achieved by this kind of pedagogy helps in constructing faster and deeper learning patterns.
6. The integrative individual engagement brought about by this kind of learning helps in better cooperation and habit building systems.
7. Transformative pedagogy supports a much better attitude development and hence better social behaviour building.

All of the arguments above clearly underline the need for transformative pedagogy in the contemporary education scenario where the academia is directly affected by the dynamics of the socio cultural interaction with the present pedagogical paradigm.

References & Links

1. Marshik, Tesia; Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection
2. Farren, Patrick; ‘Transformative Pedagogy’ in Language Teacher Education, February 21st 2019-September 2nd 2019, Published: November 15th 2019, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89470;
3. The Practice of Transformative Pedagogy, Ukpokodu, Omiunota, Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, v20 n2 p43-67 2009;,perspectives%2C%20and%20a%20sense%20of
4. Transformative Ethnic Studies in Schools: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Research (Multicultural Education Series) by Sleeter, Christine E. (Contributor), Zavala, Miguel (Contributor), Banks, James A. (Contributor)