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Traditional education system versus modern education system(Didactic Pedagogy and Authentic Pedagogy)

In this week's studies professor very well explained the detailed explanation of Didactic and authentic pedagogy and what is their role in Modern education system. 

Who were the philosopher  responsible for change in didactic system and introduce us to the new metodologies of providing education . that is very beautifully expressioned with examples .

Today I am gonna update about the difference between then n what is their importance in today's education system. As we are putting it as an update and finishing my assignments so I would like to present my views , my personal aspects regarding this topic.

It is difficult to infer that which education is better. Both types have their own importance. Both are bit similar and bit different to each other. 

Modern education is inherited from traditional education , but in some ways due to modern education the traditional education is neglected . That means we are in some sense loosing our culture . 

Basically both should be given equal importance.

It is important to go with the world too but never loose our roots.

Modern education : A welcome change

A change is very important with time due to lots of other changes going in life. Today the so mobile life with so much of technology is very important factor in need of a change in our education system. It was very important to get deflected from the conventional way of teaching.

My only concern to raise this topic in the assignment is to show the gratitude to the conventional method of learning through which we have learnt a lot . through which we have become what we are today. To respect the qualities and other aspects we have learnt by this conventional method of education. Although new technology have been introduced nowadays,but somewhere these coventional metods or traditional methods have their own importance in today's modern world education. 

Me myself I come from a very rich cultural heritage , a country of values ,culture , respect and that is why it is important for me to pass this heritage ,culture and values to next generation.

I think the modern education is the best system today but it does  lack  the capability to provide qualities like  patience ,generosity , the ability to stick to some thing, respect for other people's wisdom and their experience, never give up situation and moral values.

P.S - This post is not meant to disrespect the current education system. or to offend but to highlight the positivity and plus points of conventional education system.