CECG Assessment Reform Group’s Updates

Update 1: Modern Contexts

Context is everything

There are broad economic, social and political contexts that help shape assessment practices in schools. Sir Ken Robinson discusses contexts and their significance for education, the role of the teacher and modern assessment practices.

Media embedded February 24, 2022
Media embedded February 24, 2022
Media embedded February 24, 2022

This link takes you to the full transcript and follow-up videos and resources from hundrED taken from an interview entitled "Sir Ken Robinson Compares Human Organisations to Organisms: Education Is A Dynamic System" from April 3, 2017.

Comment: What do you think assessment should focus on? What is the most significant influence on assessment practices in your context, and does this support your view of the purpose of assessment?

Make an Update: Follow the links to read about the different theories such as progressivism, human capital theory and as a post-modern theory, transformative education that can help explain contexts. Make an update discussing how your priorities in creating and understanding assessment have been influenced by these or other theories about education. Make sure you use examples of assessment tasks and norms for their use.