CECG Assessment Reform Group’s Updates

Peer-reviewed Project

Create and implement an assessment plan which demonstrates how you would translate some of the ideas and principles of this course into practice. Use CG Scholar to share your case study. Reflect on your experience planning and implementing the assessment plan and evaluate its impact for student learning.

Rubric: Refer to the checklist below and the Knowledge Process Rubric for an overview of what your work should include. The Knowledge Process Rubric is the one against which others will review your work, and against which you will do your self-review at the completion of your final draft. You can also view this rubric while you draft your work at Creator => Feedback => Reviews => Rubric and at the Rubrics for Peer-Reviewed Works page. The rubric explores four main knowledge processes, the background and rationale for which is described in a number of papers listed here.

Word length: at least 500 words

Media: Include at least 4 media elements, such as images, diagrams, infographics, tables, embedded videos, (either uploaded into CGScholar, or embedded from other sites), web links, PDFs, datasets, or other digital media. Be sure these are well integrated into your work. Explain or discuss each media item in the text of your work. When referring to a video, you should refer to specific points of the video with time codes or the particular aspects of the media object that you want your readers to focus on. Caption each item sourced from the web with a link and be sure to cite all media sources in the references list.

References: Include a References “element” or section with the scholarly articles or books that you have used and referred to in the text, plus any other necessary or relevant references, including websites and media. Use APA 7th edition.

More information regarding General Work Guidelines is available here.

Checklist for completing your peer-reviewed project:

  • How does your assessment reflect the characteristics of quality assessment?
  • How have you maximised the effectiveness of your assessment plan?
  • Explain how and why you have chosen this (these) assessment tools.
  • How are students involved in this assessment, eg what feedback mechanisms are utilised in the plan?
  • What impact on learning is evident in the data?