Phase 2 | Peer Review (Author Guide)


If you pass the Phase 1 | Submission phase, your manuscript enters the peer review process, which consists of two stages. Please be aware that, along with others in the field of academic publishing, Common Ground Research Networks is experiencing delays in finding qualified reviewers who are willing to respond to our requests. To help keep delays to a minimum, we rely on you and your co-authors, along with our pool of volunteers, to review the work of your peers when requested. Please respect your peers that are reviewing your submission by reciprocating this responsibility. 

Articles published by Common Ground Research Networks are two-way blind peer-reviewed. The publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors agree on the standards of expected ethical behavior based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Core Practices. Please review our Publishing Ethics Guidelines for further information on policies and practices.

Stage 1 (Peer Review): Your manuscript is sent to qualified peer reviewers for feedback. Once we have received two completed reviews, the reports and decision are released. You will receive one of the following decisions:

  • Accepted (Minor Revisions)

  • Accepted (Major Revisions)

  • Rejected

Stage 2 (Content Review)You must revise your manuscript based on the peer reviewers’ feedback. This will be the Accepted Manuscript (AM) version. Your revisions should be tracked using the “Track Changes” function in Microsoft Word, and you must complete a Change Note detailing responses to the feedback given by the peer reviewers. The CGRN Journal Publishing Team will review your revisions. 

Please note that no content updates to the manuscript can be made after this phase.

Step-by-Step Guide | Checking Status

Step 1: Sign in to CGPublisher

Sign in to CGPublisher with your CGScholar account information. Cannot login to an existing CGScholar account?

Step 2: Check Status 

See this guide on how to check the status of your peer review.

Step-by-Step Guide | Responding to Peer Review Feedback

Step 1: Find Your Completed Peer Review Reports

Once you have been notified that both peer review reports are completed, you can find the reports in the Peer Reviewer 1 and Peer Reviewer 2 tabs of your Works page. If your manuscript has been rejected, you will need to go to Archived in the left-hand navigation to go to Withdrawn Works and find your Works page. 

Step 2: Revise Your Manuscript

If your manuscript has been accepted, you must revise your manuscript based on the peer reviewers’ feedback. Your revisions should be tracked using the “Track Changes” function in Microsoft Word, and you must complete a Change Note detailing responses to the feedback given by the peer reviewersIf one or both reviewers have indicated your manuscript requires professional editing, kindly include an editing certificate. We recommend using a professional Editorial Service to assist you in this process. The CGRN Journal Publishing Team will review your revisions.

Step 3: Feedback-on-Feedback

After peer review has been completed, the author and CGRN Journal Publishing Team will have an opportunity to rate the reviews in terms of their completeness and helpfulness for revisions following our rubric. We encourage authors to be respectful and fair with their rating. This rating system is meant to help encourage and guide reviewers to improve feedback practices and to acknowledge the importance of critical and constructive reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for my manuscript to complete peer review? The time it takes for a manuscript to complete peer review varies based on several factors (e.g., availability of reviewers, niche of research area). Please be aware that, along with others in the field of academic publishing, Common Ground Research Networks is experiencing delays in finding qualified reviewers who are willing to respond to our requests. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to ensure your submission receives a thorough, constructive, and relevant critique.

How do I check on the peer review status? Please follow the steps listed on our article status support page. Queries regarding the specific peer review status of your manuscript may cause delays. You will be notified as soon as peer review has been completed.

Why have I been requested to review a manuscript? To help keep delays to a minimum, we rely on you and your co-authors, along with our pool of volunteers, to review the work of your peers when requested. Please respect your peers that are reviewing your submission by reciprocating this responsibility.

Can I suggest reviewers? We have a two-way blind peer-review process to avoid any bias and to ensure diverse feedback. We are unable to take reviewer suggestions for your manuscript, but we encourage your peers to sign up as volunteer reviewers.

After being accepted in peer review, will I receive an official certificate confirming my acceptance for publication? Once Phase 2 | Peer Review and Phase 3 | Rights Agreement have been completed, an official certificate will be generated in the Documents tab on your Works page. We are not able to provide you with an acceptance certificate until your manuscript has been accepted. 

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