Virtual-Real Fusion: A Study on the Design and Cultural Impact of Metaverse Ritual Experience Mediated by Chatbots


This study explores an innovative approach to experiencing ritual sense in the metaverse environment through chatbot mediation, and its impact on cultural cognition and behavior. We designed a chatbot system integrated with virtual reality, themed around nostalgia culture, serving as a bridge between real and virtual worlds. The research was conducted in two phases: First, we analyzed ritual behaviors in human society and transformed them into cultural elements in the virtual environment. Second, we developed an interactive system and conducted user experience research. Through System Usability Scale (SUS) evaluation and qualitative analysis, we delved into the process of cultural experience transition between virtual and real worlds for users. The results not only provide a new model for cultural interaction in the metaverse but also reveal the unique role of virtual identities (Avatars) in cultural rituals. This research offers a new perspective on understanding cultural inheritance and innovation in the digital age, while also pioneering new approaches for cross-cultural communication in virtual environments.


Guanze Liao
Professor, College of Education, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Metaverse, Cultural Experience, Sense of Ritual, Chatbot, Virtual Reality, Nostalgia