Building Inclusive Spaces: Cultural Institutions for All


This work is part of the Erasmus+ project “Promoting Social Inclusion for All through Art Education: Development of Support for Students with Disabilities - INARTdis.” Cultural and socio-educational institutions from North Macedonia, Germany, Portugal, Austria, and Spain participated in the three-year project. The project’s goal was to promote inclusion through the arts, foster collaboration between educational and cultural institutions, and recognize the agency of individuals in vulnerable situations in improving artistic and cultural spaces. Specifically, we present here, on one hand, the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses identified by the participants (n=448) in cultural institutions; and on the other hand, the 8 inclusive artistic projects developed with the involved cultural spaces (n=12). In both phases of the project, creative and artistic research techniques (theater, dance, or visual arts) were used. According to the participants, it is crucial for everyone to have access to new and diverse learning environments beyond traditional settings. Additionally, cultural institutions should create initiatives and activities that are inclusive and open to all. These insights were documented in the Guide to Building Inclusive Cultural Spaces. The documentary “WE COME TO CREATE. CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS FOR EVERYONE” shows the processes and outcomes of the eight projects developed: Architecture of Life, Nature: An Inclusive and Sustainable Project, (Dis)connected Bodies, Relics and Reliquaries, Collective Aspirations, Diverse and Empowering Fashion, Share Your Emotions, and Traces. These projects stem from this collective vision with two purposes: to create more inclusive artistic and cultural institutions and to support others on socially relevant topics.


Susana Rojas
Senior Lecturer, Education, Universidad de Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain

Josep M. Sanahuja
Senior Lecturer / Director, Studies and Research Centre for an Inclusive Society, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Inclusive cultural and artistic institutions, Inclusive research, Diversity