From the Creative Industry to the Museum: Sustainable Development as a Two-way Street


A global survey was conducted in 2022 to identify what professionals in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) expect from collection-based organisations (CBOs) and what their contribution to their preservation, management, and/or use could be. A total of 151 responses were obtained from the five UNESCO regions, the majority of whom were between 31 and 50 years of age, which is convenient when analysing the responses as they are active and belong to different creative sectors. The results are very positive, demonstrating that museum collections are didactic materials through which design students and CCI stakeholders learn to approach the past critically and creatively, create meaning, and co-create their future heritage. Likewise, the alliance of CBOs with the SDGs represents a key tool to experiment with and call for action to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. This survey also allowed the development of a specific toolkit to bring the creative industry closer to collections, with the aim of enabling CCIs to identify and bridge gaps in their role as creative developers, strengthening their collaboration with heritage organisations. This paper aims to show the results of the survey and the first actions aimed at developing meaningful, inclusive arts- and culture-based interventions to support sustainable development. Addressing SDGs through the cultural and creative sectors requires new ways of doing, organising, framing, and knowing.


Mar Gaitán
Postdoc Researcher, Art History, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Sustainable development, Collections based-organizations, SDGs, Creative industries, Museum