Exploring Afro-Colombian Heritage: Cali's Future Afro Museum in Historical Context


The objective of my research is to examine the founding process of the Museo Afro de Colombia in Cali, with a particular focus on its dual role as a form of reparation and the recognition of Afro-Colombian identity. The study investigates the potential of the establishment of this museum to serve both as reparation for historical injustices and as a significant contribution to the recognition of Afro-Colombian identity amidst ongoing struggles. The research contextualizes these injustices, particularly those related to the transatlantic slave trade, and their impact on Afro-Colombian communities. Utilizing a qualitative approach, the study draws from existing literature and incorporates the perspectives of museum staff, key milestones in the museum’s development, and input from the Afro-Colombian community. The research employs a variety of methods, including expert interviews, group discussions, and insights from the Citizen Science group, to explore the motivations behind the museum’s creation, community involvement, and its potential impact on reparative initiatives and identity recognition. The importance of an inclusive approach to museum creation is emphasized. This research explores the potential of the Museo Afro de Colombia as a platform for collective memory, healing, and empowerment within Afro-Colombian communities. By challenging stereotypes, promoting inclusivity, and contributing to broader social justice efforts, the museum can emerge as a key agent of change. Through the empowerment of Afro-Colombian voices, the challenge of historical narratives, and fostering community engagement, the museum holds the potential to advance the overarching goals of justice, equity, and cultural preservation.


Bianca Cortes Lehner
Student, PhD - Afrikawissenschaften, University of Vienna, Austria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Museo Afro de Colombia, Reparation, Identity, African Diaspora, Collective Memory