The Virtual Tour as a Tool to Make an Exhibition More Accessible. : University of Valladolid’s Arellano Alonso Museum of African Art


Alberto Jiménez-Arellano Alonso Foundation was created in 2004 as a non-profit organisation attached to the University of Valladolid (UVa). One of its main objectives is to promote knowledge and research on contemporary art, African art and culture. The Foundation manages its various collections through the UVa’s Arellano Alonso Museum of African Art, which are exhibited in three rooms located in the Santa Cruz Palace in Valladolid, not being all of them easily accessible to people with physical disabilities. In February 2023, the Foundation signed an agreement with Uva’s LAB/PAP research group, which is currently developing a research project entitled ‘Accessibility and Inclusive Design in Heritage Landscapes: analysis, action strategies and information design models’ to develop a virtual tour for the museum. The tool was therefore conceived as an opportunity to make the museum more inclusive. Firstly, it was important to provide information in both English and Spanish, with other languages to be implemented soon; and secondly, to cater for people with cognitive disabilities, including easy-to-read information in Spanish. Both the application and the information were tested in various sessions by the ‘Asociación de Lectura Fácil de Castilla y León’. Therefore, although the experience of a visit in situ is irreplaceable, the tour has been developed as an intuitive tool that can complement the on-site visit and make it more accessible to people who cannot physically visit the museum and walk through it, or who may need a supporting explanation.


Nieves Fernández Villalobos
Senior Lecturer/ Profesor Titular, Department of Architectural Theory and Architectural Projects. Architectural Composition, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain

Juan José Merillas Benito
PhD in Architecture student., University of Valladolid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Virtual Tour, Inclusive Design, Cognitive Disability, Easy-to-read, Accesibility, African Art