Museum as Social Technology: Creating Partnerships to Reduce Inequalities


We offer a brief discussion about the ongoing investigation, which has as its object of study the relationship between social technologies as a resource for social innovation and the practices of Sociomuseology, observed in museums whose activities are based on their social function in communities with which are related. Museums often develop strategies without connection to local territorial and social issues, with limited impact on the lives of their beneficiary communities. But how can we take another path and recodify these practices? The objective of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of the Museum as a social technology, through the specific objectives of mapping good practices, analyzing and interpreting in a participatory way the processes and methods of a dialogic and community-based museological nature, to develop methodologies aligned with the strategies development, with the museum as a resource. Aligned and attentive to the SDGs, the investigation believes in the development of social technology to create partnerships (17), strengthen education (4), implement innovative processes (9), and consequently, reduce inequalities (10).


Nathália Pamio Luiz
Project Officer, Technical Unit, Ibermuseums Program, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Intersectionality: Museums, Inclusion, and SDGs


Social Technology, Museology, Sociomuseology, Social Innovation, Citizen Science